Goblin, Fantasy, and RPG Blog

          Alrighty, today we’re going to be building a goblin bloodrager. He is so heavily influenced by garlic jr. from DBZ that his name absolutely must be Scallion, maybe. For this build, and probably all others from here on out, I’ll be using the “elephant in the room feat tax rules” which I will never again refer to with the word elephant, its just the feat tax rules. Basically, everyone gets power attack and combat expertise for free and most of the maneuvers are rolled in one of two aggregated feats. Please note that I realize I have made 2 ragers in a row and that they’re kinda similar but hey, this is fun and it’s for me so … In the ever-famous words of mario: “a-here we GOoo”


          Scallion was a hungry baby goblin, starving in fact, and he would eat anything he could reach from within his cage even scarfing down leaf litter and topsoil until his cage was sunk into a shallow pit. He wasn’t neglected any more than the other gob-babies, which were awfully neglected, but he had a deep dark hole somewhere in his belly and no amount of food seemed to satisfy him- in fact it was quite suspicious that with everything he ate he never left any droppings at all, not once in his entire life! Once finally out of his cage he would ravenously devour any food he could find whether it belonged to him or not, and yet he still didn’t grow as fast as his kin. His tribe constantly scorned him both for his over-eating and his stature calling him “the hungry” and telling him to go eat dirt. They considered him a weakling and a waste eventually kicking him out on his own to protect their already scarce resources. Forced to scavenge for scraps and desperately hungry he was gnawing the bark off a birch tree when he spotted a black bear dragging a honeycomb the size of scallion himself, and the rest of the hive laying beside it! He should have been afraid, he should have been cautious, but he was so hungry that instead of a threat all he could see was the food. He leapt toward the bear shrieking hoping to scare it off, his wiry scrawny body swinging a sharpened stick, and in a flash he was pinned to the ground- teeth at his face and claws digging into his shoulders. But the hunger grew… he could feel it running through every part of his body- his breathing grew heavy and the pain in his stomach dulled. He reached up and wrapped his hands around the bears head throwing it off him. He stood up and pounced on the honeycomb, shoving it into his mouth whole- but how did it all fit at once? No matter, he turned his attention to the smashed hive and started stuffing pieces of it past his teeth, bees and stings and all until he saw the bear running at him again. He swung his arm furiously at the bear leaving deep slash marks from its head to its haunch! With bleeding wounds and no prize to fight over the bear limped back to flee as Scallion looked down at the creature. He was looming over it, his fingers were tipped with bloody claws and his arms were bulging with muscles. His green skin had turned dark with a reddish hue but was slowly changing back to normal. The ground rushed up to meet him as he collapsed in fatigue, the bear long gone. He felt normal again, finally. Was it the hunger that had changed him? Was something lurking inside that empty hole in his stomach, is this what happens when you don’t feed it?


         Scallion has a single-minded focus on eating but has at least enough foresight to know that gold buys the most food the fastest. He can be impatient but only because he is eager for the payout that will sate his ever-present hunger. He is otherwise happy to cooperate and even share his feasts. He bonds well with characters who come from poverty or who are greedy because he empathizes with the feeling of constant need. Lawful characters may rub him the wrong way if he feels that they don’t know what its like “to have to do what you have to do” to get by, especially if they judge him for his gluttony or accuse him of being unfair.


As a basic striker it should be pretty easy to meet our goals of damage and durability and the bloodrager gives us some cool options to meet those goals with style. The build may lead to a pretty simple playstyle but it will also have some cool tricks to use for special situations.
1. Damage output- we are going to aim for big damage dice on natural attacks- specifically handfuls of d6’s.
2. Durability- We’re going to swap out our DR with fast healing, and get some emergency self-heal options too.
3. Size- I love how garlic jr was small but hulks out- we’re going to bend some rules so we can do exactly that.
4. Hunger- This is going to be an exagerrated non-combat mechanic we’re adding to our character which should make things interesting for the whole party, at least at low levels before we have mad g’s and bags of holding.


Custom traits are always great especially when they are drastic. Ultimately, I want to be a big beasty bloodrager but I also want to impactfully transform from a little guy into the big guy. There are no normal rules that support this so I make up a trait that practically cripples me outside of bloodrage and voila, I can justify anything now!


Foul Belch(trait): This goblin only trait lets us spend a standard action to burp up some seriously nasty fumes at a single opponent within 5ft which sickens them for 1d6 rounds. It’s a Con based Fort save starting at DC12 but I don’t really know how the math works for this and it doesn’t really say. I’m just going to go with 12+CON because its not going to be a staple of our playstyle, its just going to be a cool option that fits with the eating thing.


Desperate Focus(trait): is a +2 to casting defensively which is about half what combat casting is. By the time we even get spells we’ll be at caster level 4, and our spell levels aren’t that high, so with this we’ll be pretty safe to make our DC’s when we cast defensively. With as few spells per day as we have, it would be utterly tragic to lose one but its not as if we’re taking that risk often enough to justify a full feat either. This trait is perfectly sufficient.


Fiendish Hunger (custom trait): your abyssal blood is not sated until you have eaten four times as much food as normal for a creature your size and you must begin making constitution checks to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation 4 hours after your last meal. Eating a large mouthful of any mostly organic matter as a standard action is sufficient to appetize the fiend inside allowing you to enter a bloodrage even while fatigued from starvation. Fatigue from any other source still prevents entering a bloodrage. You can never over-eat and you never feel “full” but if you spend an entire day feasting and spend at least 100 gold on food you can go up to 1d6 days eating normally for your size without facing starvation. This trait is just to add fun and mechanical operation to the hunger characteristic, and rewarding you for fulfilling it, but without crippling you too badly- fatigue is bad enough but not being able to bloodrage would be game-over.


The Fiend inside(custom trait): the fiendish entity in your blood causes your bloodrage to affect your body dramatically. While bloodraging you use the racial statistics for an oversized goblin (Medium, +2 STR, +2DEX, -2CHA) instead of the normal goblin racial size and ability score adjustments. Additionally, while not bloodraging the fiend drains you of nourishment limiting your STR to a maximum of 6. The nourishment the fiend gains from this allows the bloodrager to remain in a bloodrage for an additional 2 rounds per day. So with this we suck outside of bloodrage, but we get 2 more rounds per day. Its not going to carry us through a whole ‘nother big combat but we’re less likely to be a liability too.


Intimidate: we’ll want to max this by level 9 to use with Cornugon Smash, but until then its not that important. I’d start investing around level 6-7 in lieu of any other skills.


Survival: at low levels you’ll have to find 4x as much food as others or begin to starve so max this off the bat and keep it maxed until you are rich enough to get a bag of holding for mad rations. After that, pump intimidate.


Acro/Climb/Swim: Definitely probably invest some in these but eventually we’ll get fly as a spell.


Perception: Always helpful, but you won’t be a good scout. Worth at least 1 point in the low levels.


Because of The Fiend Inside we kinda have two sets of ability scores. One for regular goblin form and one for bloodraging form. Build for the bloodraging form because that’s where we’ll be winning, and just let the scores fall where they may for the regular form.


STR: More is always better, but we’ll be getting a ton anyway. Aim for a total of 16 or more depending on your point buy.


DEX: we’re probably just going to get hit a lot and that’s ok. Neither pump nor dump this.


CON: minimum of 14, but the more the better.


INT: skills are nice but we get 4 from class  anyway. In a low point buy probably need to drop to 8 and we’ll still get 3 points per level.


WIS: effects that target will saves are scary but we don’t have a lot of wiggle room. Don’t dump it, but can’t afford to pump it.


CHA: We have to have some in order to cast our bloodrager spells but we also take a racial penalty. Ouch. This sucks. Long game expectations is the only way to win here. If you don’t expect to get to mid/high levels then you can leave it at a total of 11 or 12 but you’ll need a total of 13CHA by lv10 and 14CHA by lv13. For the best long game balance I’d buy up to 15CHA (reduced to 13 by race) and put 1 more point in at lv12 so you can cast 4th level spells on your next lvl-up. Alternatively, you can buy 13CHA (reduced to 11 by race) grab a headband of CHA, and put a point at lv12 too.

Barbarian Favored Class Bonus: +1 to confirm critical with unarmed strikes or Natural Weapons. Increments every 2 levels, max +4. I’m not if we can take this because we’re not a barbarian but… close enough maybe?


Eat Anything: (racial option) +4 to survival to find food and +4 to saves vs nauseated and sickened. No bonus to stealth/ride. This is a cool flavor for the hunger gimmick, and we aren’t planning to depend on good ride or hide so its an ok loss even though this is probably inferior.

Feats, Choices, and Features

1- Cleave, bloodrage, fast move, claws 1d6
3- Cleaving Finish, +2 vs friendly spells
4- Magic claws, Large in bloodrage [claws 1d8], Eschew Materials, Cast while bloodraging
5- Imp. Nat. Attack [Claws 2d6], Spell-Eating
6- Toughness
7- Arcane Strike, FastHealing2
8- Claws 3d6, Primalist [Lesser Fiend totem + Fiend Totem]
9- Cornugon Smash, Intimidating Prowess
10- FastHealing3
11- Skill Focus: Intimidate, Greater Bloodrage +6STR +6CON +3Will and free instant spell on self of 2nd or lower lvl.
12- Powerful Maneuvers, flaming claws [4d6], Bloodrage +8STR -4AC
13- Imp. Nat. Attack [Gore 3d6], FastHealing4


Spell Progression
4- Chill Touch, Stone Throwing
5- Sense Fear
6-1st level doesn’t matter
7-Mirror Image, Touch of idiocy, Ray of enfeeble (bonus)
8-Frigid Touch
9-1st level doesn’t matter, Bone Fists (2nd)
10- Fly, Vampiric Touch, Bull’s STR (bonus)
11-Blade Snare or Haste
12-1st level doesn’t matter, 2nd False Life, 3rd Blade snare or haste- whichever you didn’t get yet
13-Calcific Touch and Black Tentacles


Level 1:

Cleave will let us attack up to two targets after moving which, at low levels, is pretty great! If we stand still to full attack we get 2 attacks always. This also builds into finishing cleave soon.


Fast Movement lets us move faster, weee


Bloodrage gives us rage, and in our Bloodrage we grow claws. Claws are going to be our main attack always. We’ll get more stuff later but already we’re doing 1d6+ with two claws per round and that’s just going to get bigger.

Level 2:

Fast Healing 1 means we heal 1 hp per round spent in bloodrage daily. This isn’t a ton of HP but we should have at least 10 rounds of bloodrage right now (base4, con2+, lvl2, trait2) and every round we automatically stabilize and stop bleeding- which is really nice.

Level 3:

Cleaving Finish lets us cleave after any attack that drops a foe. Even if we were using cleave as a standard action, if we drop someone we get 1 more attack on a different target. That’s pretty cool because we expect to be droppin peeps.


Blood Sanctuary is a flat save bonus vs friendly spells. I guess that’s nice? It would pair better with fire resistance which we’re giving up later as halving and then resisting could practically negate but.. maybe just don’t blow us up at all instead.

Level 4:

Abyssal Bulk makes us large instead of medium when we bloodrage as per enlarge person. This gives us 1d8 claws and reach most importantly.


Our claws are now also considered magic weapons for DR purposes, which is nice.


We can cast spells now, and we can do while bloodraging, and we can eschew the material components while we do it!
Our first spell should be chill touch. This gives us a touch attack which we can deliver with our claws that deals 1d6 cold (nosave) and a chance at 1 str damage (fort negates) and spooks zombies or something I dunno… but we can do it a couple of times in a row. For the 2nd spell… well it kinda doesn’t matter because all the lvl1 bloodrager spells suck to me. I might grab Stone Throwing incase I need to catch/take all the boulders and put them over there… Shocking grasp for 4d6 all at once nosave, I dunno, it doesn’t matter because we can only cast once per day so whatever. Just pick whatever you else you want after you get chill touch or shocking grasp.

Level 5:

Spell eating lets us consume a spell slot as a swift action to heal 1d8 per level of the spell slot. So just 1d8 right now, and we lose uncanny dodge but… honestly how often does uncanny dodge come into play? Probably often enough… and we’ll be out of spell slots because we only get like one a day… but maybe at high levels we can swift action to not die or something. Maybe this is useless… whatever.. we got fast healing at level 2 as a package deal and that’s cool!


Another 1st level spell that doesn’t matter


Improved Natural Attack lets us up the dice of our claws from 1d8 to 2d6- which is pretty baller adding an average of 2 damage and ups the minimum by 1 so that’s great!

Level 6:

Toughness is on our bonus feat list, and we can pick one here, and more HP is pretty universally safe to get so… why not. Theres not really anything else we need to build toward right now that’s on that bonus list, but you could pick powerful maneuvers instead.


Yet another 1st level spell that doesn’t matter

Level 7:

Arcane Strike costs a swifty but gets us +2 damage on All attacks in that round which means it will affect the gore attack we’re picking up at the next level!


Fast Healing 2 is literally twice as good as fast healing 1, mindblowing.


As for spells, we’re picking up Mirror Image because its just great and DBZ characters love to leave after images right? Heck yea! My 2nd pick, after much debate, is Touch of Idiocy. Deals damage to all mental stats, nosave. We WILL connect with this and they get no save, very likely crippling or even completely eliminating spellcasting from that target- niche but gamechanging when you need it.


Ray of Enfeeblement is our bonus spell for 1st level. It’s a ranged touch with nosave that damages STR. If it were just a touch spell it’d better but we can flavor it as evil eye-beams and fit that DBZ snazz man.

Level 8:

Our claws are incrementing in damage and since we stacked Large and Imp. Nat. Attack this next step puts us at 3d6. That’s a lot of d6’s if we hit with both claws. Speaking of d6’s….


We are going to invoke the primalist archetype where we get to arbitrarily trade a bloodline power for 2 barbarian rage powers. Lesser Fiend totem will give us a Gore attack while bloodraging and this Gore starts at 1d8 for a medium character- we’re large while bloodraging so its already 2d6! Would be nice to get that up to 3d6 too some level. After that we’re taking Fiend Totem because… well mostly because it comes after lesser fiend totem and partly because its cool- you grow spikes and deal 1d6 any time something hits you with a melee weapon of any kind. That’s pretty awesome. There are some fights I get hit more than I even swing. You gotta take damage to make damage right?!?


Our spell this level, though I’m torn between others too, is Frigid Touch. 4d6 cold, and stagger for 1 round- no save. If you crit its stagger for a minute though we’re not counting on that. When you really really need to not get full-attacked one round, and still get some damage out- this is your main buddy boi right here.

Level 9:

This is a fun level. Cornugon Smash gives us a free demoralize attempt any time we hit while power attack is active- which might as well be always since we have this.


Intimidating Prowess is our bloodline bonus feat and it lets us add our STR modifier to intimidate checks in addition to CHA. This is very helpful because our CHA didn’t need to be that stellar. So long as you started putting points into intimidate around level 6 or 7 we should be maxed now with a pretty big number to add to our roll, and its just going to get better.


Our first level spell could be sense fear because we are now causing the shaken condition and we can finally cast a 2nd 1st level spell each day. This probably isn’t as useful as a another blasty shocking grasp, or a 2nd casting of chill touch, but if you hit something and it runs… it can’t hide.


Our 2nd level spell could be bonefists for some nice all-around goodness. It gives you +2 to damage on our claws, +1 to natural armor, and we get armor spikes. It kinda doesn’t matter because we only get one 2nd level spell per day still and any of the others we already picked are more useful for when you need them.

Level 10:

Fast Healing 3 is not only 50% better than fast healing 2, but its 300% better than fast healing 1! Crazy!


The real meat of this level is access to 3rd level spells which are pretty decent. I’d suggest Fly and Vampiric Touch. Fly is pretty much essential because eventually there will be a flying thing to hit and you can’t do that from the ground. You could ask your wizard to give it to you but… honestly theres not a lot of other things to use your spells for so you might as well just give yourself what you need. If you don’t need to fly for an encounter, you can pump out some damages with Vampiric Touch and also get some Temp HP’s. It’s never a bad deal and you can deliver it with your claw. Good stuff.


Bull’s STR is our bloodline bonus spell. By this level it’d be nice to have +4 STR permanently as an item so we don’t have to waste our precious few spell slots on this but… here it is.

Level 11:

Skill focus: Intimidate will instantly give us +6 to intimidate assuming we have at least 10 ranks in it. That will pretty much ensure that nobody is going to be unshaken by our cornugon smash. Of course this is just a fun feat, anything else that meets a need for your particular campaign is totally acceptable.


Greater Bloodrage increases our rage buffs to +6STR, +6Con, and +3 so that’s awesome, however, it also lets us apply a buff spell of 2nd lvl or lower to ourselves as part of the enter bloodrage free action. This will probably always be mirror image, which is great for opening action economy, but what’s also nice is that at next level we get another 2nd level spell slot and can make use of this more.


We get another 3rd level spell here, and I think either Blade Snare or haste are good choices. I would hope that theres another caster around who can haste but if not… you can be jonny on the spot with it. Blade snare can trap one weapon or appendage after it hits you- like a free grapple. It uses your caster level vs their CMD to see if a weapon gets snared which is only OK but it will likely lead to some full attacks being interrupted or at least some action economy impact. Is it worth casting over Vampiric Touch? I dunno… but you might be able to convince your DM that it synergizes with the spikes from Fiend Totem for recurring ouchness?


Level 12:

Abyssal Bloodrage further improves our bloodrage over greater bloodrage giving us 2 more STR at the cost of a further -2 AC penalty. So right now our rage will give us +8 STR, +6CON, +3 will, and -4AC.


Our claws get stronger here becoming Flaming claws for even more d6’s woohoo!


We also get a bloodline bonus feat here and I went with powerful maneuvers because we already have all the other interesting ones. For those who don’t know this is from the feat tax rules which combines the more brutish maneuvers like overrun and bull rush which are both on the bloodline bonus feat list. This really isn’t a maneuver build but the option is always nice and we certainly have the bulk to pull it off.

We do get another 1st level spell but we don’t care.


We get another 2nd level spell too and I figure false life might be nice to keep us conscious and bloodraging until fast healing can get us back in the green but I think we already have all the good ones by now and you can pick whatever.


We also get another 3rd level spell and I figure whichever you did not pick last level of blade snare and haste, but again you’ve already got all the important ones.

Level 13:

Improved Natural Attack on our Gore brings it up from 2d6 to 3d6 which is fun because now you potentially need 11d6’s just to roll all your natural attacks each round. I just like rolling d6’s. I have these big foam ones that I bring out when I really wanna be obnoxious with big rolls and I’d love to roll eleven 2.5” cubes at once and just knock everything off the table with em.


Fast Healing 4 is a mere 33.3repeating% better than fast healing 3 but… I guess having 28 rounds of Fast healing 4 per day is good enough to keep us topped right? Honestly I think that’s the coolest thing about this build. We’ve probably got as much fast healing each day as we do max HP now and its only going to get better from here.


We now have access to our 4th level spells! Sadly the only spells that truly excite me are too expensive or too situational to just be good. I’m going to end the build at this level so I’ll list all the ones I think are cool but the first two are probably the only ones that are sure to be useful in most situations.

Black Tentacles is always good. It creates difficult hentai terrain, and forces CMD every round. Any time they fail they’re grappled, take damage, and lose actions just to get out.
Calcific touch is another nosave touch spell that we can apply repeatedly and this is your colossus killer. It deals 1d4 DEX damage and probably won’t slow the target because that part does allow a fort save but… it could. There are loads of enormo monsters that have huge STR/CON and nat armor but like 11 DEX or lower. If you borrow the wizards rod of empower/maximize you can easily bring that DEX to zero in 2-3 hits which permanently petrifies the target. Adult blue dragon 10DEX, Glabrezu 11DEX, Crimson Worm 6DEX. See what I’m sayin? But you gotta know their DEX because Froghemoth has 13, Crag Linnorm has 18, Cornugon has 27 (good luck smashin bruh) and that can cancel the plan pretty easy.
Stoneskin gives you DR10/- and combined with your fast healing it can stretch your HP for MILES AND MILES but… it costs 250g per casting and you get it for free at level 16 anyway so.. I dunno.
Absorbing inhalation is niche a.f. but its cool a.f. too. You can harmlessly and completely suck in a cloud of something to a certain volume based on level blah blah but you can clear the area of a cloudkill, stinking fog, or even just an obscuring mist if you want. Miasma in the dungeon room? Suck it! Poison gas in the trap? Suck it! Opium fields are on fire? Suck it! You can even ready an action to inhale a dragon’s breath weapon like a counterspell, SUCK IT! And then you can hold your breath to keep the cloud in and even expel it as a breath weapon of your own! Once you breathe it back out, it resumes its duration but if this spell ends before you exhale it you immediately suffer the effects of the cloud nosave. So unlikely to be used, but so cool too.


Lastly we get our bloodline bonus spell from 3rd level here. Its Rage. We can already rage. However… apparently this rage lets you access all your bloodline and rage powers for its duration but does not fatigue you at the end. Its certainly not a GOOD spell but for us, specifically, it has uses. You can force yourself into a rage even if fatigued, and it lasts for as long as you concentrate +1rnd, which you can do while raging thanks to the blood casting feature. You can do it just to concentrate until your fast healing has topped your HP. It can affect others too so if there if you have a barbarian bud and its like midnight and you’re both out of rage rounds and fatigued cuz it was a crazy day… well you’re boned because theres no way you saved your only 3rd level spell just for this HAH.

Combos and Strategies

Bolt Heading:

There really aren’t many, it’s a super basic striker with some options. You move up and hit things, etc… but I’m sure we can find some nuance in how to employ our abilities.


Cleaving- You can cleave as a standard so whenever you move up to attack try to threaten at least one other enemy so you can get up to 2 attacks in that round. This shouldn’t be hard once you’re large and have reach but the more you threaten the better since cleaving finish gives us 1 more attack after we drop something.


Fast Healing- at low levels you will need to conserve your rage rounds because we suck outside of bloodrage but at mid levels and above you can top yourself just by staying in a rage after combat. Once you get the rage spell you can rage for as long as you concentrate guaranteeing a top off.


Cornugon Smash and Sense fear are… probably useless but it counts as a combo I guess.


Foul Belch- probably only has a decent chance at working at low levels and only vs squishies which you might be able to just kill instead. Maybe use it as a social roleplay thing? Or… maybe it combos with the Absorbing Inhalation spell to turn your belch into a breath weapon that covers a massive area in addition to whatever the other effects were? I mean… it sounds cool to me and how often could even use it right? Certainly not enough to abuse.


Size and surprise- you are small when not bloodraging. You are large when bloodraging. This is an advantage. You could let a foe grab you and then bloodrage while grappled- depending on your level they now take spike damage and you can probably turn that grapple around. Maybe hide in a shipment into the bad guys fort, and when the party attacks you bloodrage to grow large and burst that crate open with a STR check!


Instead of the goblin burp trait you can use Desperate Dodger which gives a +1 to reflex saves, our weakest one. Theres a lot of nasty stuff that can shut down a melee with reflex saves. Let’s be honest, its strictly better just not as cool.


You could use animal fury for a Bite instead of fiend totem for the gore, and then whatever other rage power you want. The gore just does more d6’s which was one of my build goals.


Pouncing Fury is a great 2nd level spell that lets you make all your claw attacks at the end of a charge, but only claws. It also lets you make more attacks of opportunity per trigger, up to your max. This synergizes well with combat reflexes and above average dex, which we can probably manage, and we could drop the cleave line to accommodate it. Furthermore, we get large so we can threaten more squares. This is all around goodness, but only when we can cast it which is not that often.


You could go with hard head big teeth for a bite right off the bat, instead of the eating racial alternate. I didn’t go that route because, even though a bite attack seems equally flavorful for a hungry character, having three natural attacks at level 1 on a rager is really broken and I’m not about that kind of gameplay.


Scallion’s roleplay should revolve around eating. Any time anyone else has their spotlight, spend your time foraging with a survival check. Don’t interrupt someone’s chance to shine, of course, just roll it and tell the DM your result for a quick funny moment.


Track your characters eating by the hour, a lot of DM’s don’t really keep track of time so you’ll probably have to for them but treat it like its important. Every 4 hours you need something to eat, even at night so you should take the middle watch you can rest for 4, eat, and rest for 4 more. and every day you need to eat as much as the whole rest of the party combined. Make sure your hunger becomes a group concern that everyone has stake in, nobody wants you eating their leather or hide armor because you’re starving- but do it if you have to muahaha!


When you get back to town, set aside a significant amount for feasting but don’t just feed yourself. Treat everyone- the party, the whole bar, everyone on the street nearby… eating isn’t just about survival for you. It’s a way of life. You may have slain monsters and rescued damsels and gained glory but that was just a means to an end; this feast is what you live for.


Carry a shaker of seasoning as a permanent part of your inventory and put it on any random stuff you find that might be mostly organic matter, and then eat it. Collect more spices and be spendy about it as you travel, this is your thing. Eat shit one time just to see. Adamantly demand that any non-humanoids the party slays, however monstrous, be eaten- even if you have to cook it for them, even if you have to eat it all yourself raw, put up a bit of a fight if they want to leave good meat behind. You’re not a cannibal and you do draw the line somewhere, but you’ve never been both starving enough and presented with the opportunity to eat a humanoid so… you never know what you’ll do if you have to.