Goblin, Fantasy, and RPG Blog

This goblin is one of my favorites in theory and building it with homebrew material has been very fulfilling. Every other class, archetype, and option that deals with gross stuff tends to be evil and mostly necromantic so I wanted to make something that was gross and yet, somehow, adorable. I introduce you to Guk, the goblin Filth Shaman.


Guk is a dirty raspy voiced goblin who never bathes- it would be a violation of his oaths to nature to pointlessly wash away the life that grows on the body. Guk reveres a particular segment in the circle of life where decay and rot make preparation for recycling into the circle- while many druids ignore this important process Guk sees the beauty of life in the tiny creatures and fungi that thrive as parasites, diseases, and molds. Guk actively nurtures the invisible things that eat decaying matter; he ferments shredded vegetables, meticulously ages unsalted meats, and builds a compost pile wherever he can. He consumes parts of his “incubated” foods (though most would simply call them rotten), rubs them on his body, and sleeps buried in his compost yet seems to be in perfect health despite his revolting rituals.


As larger (normal sized) creatures go, Guk considers only the scavenging carrion and detritus feeders to be part of his domain of nature and even reveres otherwise aberrant monsters which fulfill the needs of nature’s cycle. Rats, Vultures, Centipedes, and Roaches are common creatures under his protection and who answer his call but so might the vile Otyugh and Oozes who typically reside in dungeons. Such creatures make possible the fully contained ecosystem of a dungeon recycling the waste of dead monsters and adventurers, recomposing it so that dungeon fungi can grow, and allowing the herbivorous dungeon vermin to feed, in turn, feeding the predatory monsters. In such cycles, even sunlight and water are unnecessary- only the occasional adventuring hero’s corpse is needed to replenish precious organic, liquid, and mineral resources to the ecosystem.



Despite being extremely stinky, the other goblins never really mind his hygiene and, in fact, often praise him for taking it so seriously. He gets along well with all of the other goblins and is the only one who seems to “get” Merek. Guk tends to be the most friendly to outsiders which, in turn, tends to repel outsiders. Few will ever appreciate Guk as more than a warm bodied spellcaster in combat but those who do find a true and loving friend.


Feats, Choices, and Features

1- Disciple of Decay, Semi-Fluid Casting, Filth-Bather, Toughness, Vermin Empathy, Nasty Sense, Lv1 Spells, Nature Bond: Slime Domain*, Acid Dart, Spont Casting*
2- Vermin Heart
3- Ooze Whisperer, Lv2 spells
4- Wild Shape*
5- Natural Spell, Miasma, Lv3 spells
6- Acid Resistance 10, wild shapes
7- Wild Vigor, Lv4 spells
8- Wild shapes
9- Energized Wild Shape, BlightBlooded, Lv5 spells
10- Wild shape
11- Solvent Vitality*, Lv6 spells
12- Acid Resist 20, wild shapes
13-  Wild Shape, PlagueBearer, Lv7 spells
15- Engulfing Spell*, Formless Body, Lv8 spells
17- Feat, Lv9 spells
19- Feat
20- Acid Immunity


Combos and Strats


Own the stank; despite being unlikely to serve well as the face of a group you should make yourself prominent in any roleplay, though not necessarily primary. You should closely approach anyone you talk to giving your DM a chance to make NPC’s respond to your miasma. Be friendly, be insightful, be the most approachable in the party; because the funniest thing of all would be an NPC who chooses YOU as the point of contact in the party and willfully suffers your revolting presence because he knows that you’re his guy and an excellent ally.


Your motivations are difficult to tie into your theme; but suffice to say that you have a strong sense of community. Once you’ve had an adventure with a party you’re pretty much “all in this together” just like all living creatures are riding the life and death coaster together. You’ll face the loss of a party member with an excitement that might upset others; “He’s feeding the worms now!” is praise rather than insult coming from you. Very little upsets you but you do take a stance on two things; undeath and immortality. Both are an affront to nature as means of removing an entity from the cycle; undead bodies are dangerous even to carrion feeders while immortal beings, even gods, escape the cycle denying nature its rightful claim to their flesh. Reincarnation, however, is perfectly cool as would be binding one’s soul to an object (if demi-lichdom didn’t first involve the preservation of organs via lichdom). Honestly Guk doesn’t like to fight, he dislikes violence, but he will do anything to protect his community and the creatures he loves. Perhaps the friendship with his party members is secondary to his relationship with the bacterial colonization in their large intestines? Guk will, after all, do anything to protect the creatures he reveres.


Make an easy task of feeding yourself; if you have spare uses of wildshape left in the day then you should assume a form that can eat something bizarrely off-beat (on-theme). If you’ve just won a battle and are camping nearby, become a vulture and fly back to the site to consume the bodies. If you’re in a dungeon become a rat, giant scarab, or otyugh, to eat some straight garbage. Ooze form, of course, is also suitable for this but make sure to diversify. Don’t forget about the Bogwid form we have access to- that’s for our own, unique, re-imagining of the bear scene in BGIII. You can always find something to do with a slimy tentacle.



You love jars. Pots and urns are ok but jars with lids are the best because some things like to grow anaerobically. You don’t know the word anaerobic but you do know that a lid helps certain fermentations go. You don’t have to carry vessels like this along with you, 1 or 2 seems reasonable, but you definitely fill anything you find with some plant or flesh matter and close it up. Even if you leave it behind, do so with the knowledge that something foul will soon be festering inside. To a similar end, protest vehemently if anyone suggests burning non-undead bodies because that would be a waste of perfectly good worm food.