Goblin, Fantasy, and RPG Blog

          This character was actually my very first character; in a way. A really cool man jr. and great trend setter introduced me to tabletop with D&D 3.5 and I immediately made a goblin wizard. Of course I didn’t have the time to fully flesh out the ideas in the character so over time, campaigns, and editions he’s been reinvented as cleric, a human archivist, a witch, and finally a mesmerist. Witch was close but building this character fully within the rules never could do him justice so now, with a little bit of homebrew and swapped spellcasting, I present to you: Garl’Ick, the goblin Hexer.


                 Garl’ick is a dry, wrinkly, poor-postured, pot-belly goblin with gray hair. Across the center of his forehead is a strange scar covered with an eyeball motif tattoo and around his eyes are dark smears of facepaint (so edgy); when asked he claims its from his “Third Eye” but you’re pretty sure nothing is there. Trinkets of garish sticks, stones, and bones adorn him and he has a very primal look yet, his presence is somehow comforting. He wears a soft leather tunic that opens from the side and carries a staff of gnarled root from the Gobwood. This forest home he hails from is avoided by most as it is said to be the haunt of spirits and monsters. The goblin claims to be a witchdoctor, able to deal with maladies of body and spirit, and reveres the mysterious forces of voodoo and mojo; which are much like life force and destiny, or something, maybe… he isn’t immediately clear on it.


                He journeys to seek out and aid the plight of the oppressed, the weak, and the small (but not the stupid) even if they’re actually longshanks and only small at heart. The powers he wields, both mystical and bizarre, give him insight into and empathy for the sentient soul- notions atypical of goblin-kind. This wisdom leads him to follow the teachings of Bargrivyek, the goblin god of cooperation and territory, who exhorts the weak and vulnerable to band together. Though this god grants him no boons, his own connection to mysterious magics empower his pursuit of those ideals. Despite his awkwardness he works well with others and often puts the needs of the group before his own. He loves to eat anything salty especially pickled or fermented foods and carries a shaker of mixed exotic spices which he is always actively collecting. He even seasons alcoholic drinks… zealously…



Mesmerist is always a debuff machine, but typically also a good face and a decent at incapacitating targets. We’re not nearly as good at locking targets down and we won’t be the face, not even close, but we are definitely going to take those debuffs to the maximum!

1- Blasting with evocation spells like scorching ray and Lightning Bolt (flavored as “lazer eye beams”) topped with extra from Painful Stare.
2- Investigation through Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, and a Third Eye.
3- Curses and Cures as Voodoo and Mojo themed heals, buffs, debuffs, and a Gaze attack with many effects.
4- Dominance over the weak-minded through a hypnotic familiar.

EyeBiter mesmerist loses some of the social abilities, a trick, and the useless ability that expands the HD limit of low level spells. It also loses touch treatment which is the only thing we’ll really miss but we can practically get that back with a trick. We’re gaining the ability to inflict vision related debuffs and an eyeball familiar which also plays into the familiar archetype we’re taking.


A modified Parasite Familiar Archetype trades a whole lot of good familiar abilities for a few really unique ones but we’re re-imagining the whole thing anyway. We will really miss Share Spells and Deliver Touch Spells but it does open up some really fun and risky options down the road.

Mutant Eye: Third eye on forehead, +2 to sense motive, +2 more to notice influence, -1 to socials to all who can see it.

Eye-Belly (totally fair custom trait): Your third eye grew too large and removed itself from your skull- it found a more spacious area and formed a new socket out of scar tissue. Your third eye now resides in your belly and also grants a +2 to perception when open but is even more disturbing and imposes an additional -1 to socials. This eye is your EyeBall Familiar and its size is Diminutive instead of Fine.


Tribal Hexer Mesmerist (totally illegal custom trait): The spiritual power you wield is more closely tied to the nature of life and death than psychic energies. You prepare divine spells from the Adept spell list (including the expanded adept spell list found in the DND 3.0 masters of the wild sourcebook) and use your Wisdom score for most effects related to your class abilities. Your Hypnotic Stare is now a normal gaze attack targeting one creature and can be mitigated by the typical means. You also swap the Command spell for Beguiling Gift among your first level spells and add a number of divination spells to your list as detailed at the end of this build. Towering Ego is no longer a feature.

Modified parasite familiar: Hypnotic EyeBall
At level 2, while inside your body, the eyeball can use Hypnotism as a spell like ability once per day (DC11+WIS). If outside your body it can meld into the fore-head of a willing creature granting it your trait bonuses and penalties. The eye is clearly visible but can be concealed with headwear. The eye can use any of its spell-like abilities on its host while melded and the host is treated as if penalized by your Hypnotic Gaze for purposes of saving against these effects. If the host takes damage while melded the eye must succeed at a fortitude save (DC 10+½ the damage) or take half that damage as well. If the host is subjected to an effect which targets its vision the eyeball is also subject to the effect but uses its own (your) saves.
At level 5, while inside your body, the eyeball can use Suggestion as a spell like ability once per day (DC13+WIS); the target must be able to see the eye or be melded with it.
At level 9, while inside your body, the eyeball can use Dominate Person as a spell-like ability once per day (DC15+WIS) with a duration of 1 day; the target must be able to see the eye or be melded with it.
At level 12 the eyeball can use Hypnotism at will even outside of your body. Additionally it can use Suggestion even while outside of your body.
At level 15, while inside your body, the eyeball can use Dominate Monster as a spell-like ability once per day (DC10+WIS+½lv) with a duration of 1 day; the target must be able to see the eye or be melded with it. This ability replaces Dominate Person.
These abilities replace improved evasion, share spells, deliver touch spells, speak with kind, spell resistance, and scry on familiar.


Focused Pain(Feat): You can focus your gaze to inflict suffering directly upon the soul of your target. As a standard action you can expend one use of your ocular occlusion ability to force a will save (DC 10+WIS+½lv) by the target of your Hypnotic Gaze. If the target fails its save it immediately takes damage from your painful stare feature and automatically suffers any additional effects from stare feats. The duration of additional effects triggered by this attack are 1d4 rounds unless the duration would normally be longer. You may choose to deal minimum damage from your painful stare treating all d6’s as a result of 1.

Perception: Max this class skill. With high wis, familiar, extra eyes, and all-around vision we will be great at this.

Stealth: Max this class skill. With decent Dex and Goblin racial we should be pretty good. Paired with our perception we should be a great scout and can even send our eyeball in where we can’t fit.

Spellcraft: necessary as a caster.

Sense Motive: thematic as an eyeballer, but also important for handling disputes- can’t let em BS a BS’er.

Sleight of Hand: Just for fun if you have enough points. I hope to maybe deliver curses stealthily with this in town.

Escape Artist: being small we should be pretty decent at this, possibly helpful for scouting but absolutely the best low level option for escaping grapples.


STR- we won’t be doing anything STR based with this build and its kinda thematic for this character to be weak and easily picked on- if he wasn’t then why would he want to curse anyone for bullying?

DEX- is always good and we’ll get a +4 from goblin. The rays, which are one of our big fun things, will need good DEX to hit though we are a ¾ BAB class so it doesn’t have to be pumped. We’ll also want a decent chance to avoid getting hit so the better the DEX the better off we are until we can pick up mirror image at Lv4.

CON- to take a character into combat with less than 14 CON seems risky to me. We also want to mitigate the risk of our eye familiar dying inside a host; we don’t have easy access to regeneration to grow it back. 14 is our minimum here.

INT- is not terribly important to us. The mesmerist class gives us a decent amount of skills but, honestly, we could probably do with less. This gives us the uncommon opportunity to dump INT if we want. Pick the number of skills you want to invest it, and dump until you can have exactly that many skill points per level. Our knowledges might suffer but… that’s ok- we’re much more intuitive than intellectual.

WIS- this is our primary casting stat as a made-up Tribal Hexer divine mesmerist and also represents the sole reason we are a spiritual leader (cuz it certainly aint INT or CHA). Pump it as high as you can with at least 17.

CHA- normally the primary stat for a mesmerist, we can afford to dump it. Our eyeball will give us access to some enchantment for when we really want to be persuasive. Having up to three dump stats goes a long way toward pumping that WIS.

Feats, Choices, and Features

1- Lv1 Spells, Hypnotic Stare, Orisons, EyeBall Familiar, Painful Stare, Craft Fetish (flavored scribe scroll)
2- Trick: Compel Alacrity, Hypnotism, Meld
3- Bold Stare: Disorientation, Ocular Occlusion: Clouded Vision, Great Fortitude
4- Lv2 Spells, Trick: Mesmeric Pantomime
5- Manifold Tricks 2, Staring Eye, Suggestion, Improved Great Fortitude
6- Trick: Mask Misery, Ocular Occlusion: Blindness
7- Lv3 Spells, Bold Stare: Sluggishness, Focused Pain
8- Hypnotic Stare -3, Trick: Mesmeric Mirror
9- Many Tricks 3, Dominate Person, Demoralizing Stare
10- Lv4 Spells, Trick: Slip Bonds, Ocular Occlusion: Eyeless Horror
11- Bold Stare: Sapped Magic, OmniVisual, Excoriating Stare
12- Masterful Tricks, Trick: Cursed Sanction, External Hypnotism and Suggestion
13- Lv5 Spells, Many Tricks 4, Compounded Pain
14- Trick: Greater Mask Misery, Ocular Occlusion: SpellBlight
15- Bold Stare: Nightmare, Dominate Monster, Intensify Spell


Leve 1:

                Hypnotic Stare is our “gaze” attack where, if the target sees our eyes, they will take a -2 penalty to Will Saves. -2 to ALL will saves is really great! This weakens their defenses against some very devastating spells and abilities. Normally this is a nearly unavoidable psychic effect and not a gaze attack but we’re not a real mesmerist and we don’t have psychic powers so we have to focus on the target AND they have to see our eyes but it does affect mindless creatures. Treat this as a single-target Gaze attack with no save. This plays into our eyeball familiar at later levels where we can use Gaze attacks through it. At later levels we can blind things but that would actually negate our Gaze so I’m adding a clause that being blinded by one of our abilities while under the effect of our Gaze allows its penalties to persist as it was the last thing they saw before lights-out but only so long as we continue to target that creature with the gaze.

                EyeBall Familiar is one of our Eyebiter archetype’s cool features and we modified the parasite familiar archetype to fit our goals better; it is much more of a symbiote now. The basics are that our third eye, which lives in our belly button, is also our familiar and it can float around and do cool stuff. The rules say that this is like a tumor familiar, but I think it just means that it’s a part of our body that can detach and reattach as a standard action. Our eyeball does not get fast healing or a familiar bonus like a tumor would but that’s ok. Normally when the eyeball familiar leaves the body you are 1 eye down and suffer a penalty but that makes no sense for us as we have three. We do, however, lose the trait bonus to perception and sense motive that the third eye grants while it is in the body and exposed. Our eyeball has 1STR 12DEX 10CON and its mental stats don’t matter which is probably why the rules don’t address them; it will use all our skills and saves. It can fly at 20ft but we can’t share spells or deliver touches with it and it loses most normal familiar abilities as listed in the HomeBrew section above. There will be some cool things with it soon.

                Painful Stare lets us add precision damage when the target of our Gaze takes damage, even if we’re not the ones dealing it. We can add half our level if an ally triggers the pain, and an additional +1d6 incrementing every 3 levels if we dealt the triggering damage. That seems like a lot and I would expect it to be either the ½ lvl OR the +d6’s but the wording seems to indicate that its both. This can be easily abused but that’s not for this build, right now its just a chance to matter with a ranged attack. later on, however, it will keep us on par with others’ blasting and be a great vector for inflicting bad mojo.

                Craft Fetish is just a reflavor of scribe scroll. These Fetishes are made from wood, stone, or bone and are, thus, more durable than a typical paper scroll with hardness 5. They also less likely to be recognized and the DC to read or use them increases by +2 for those without the either the Craft Fetish feat or training in linguistics. In all other ways they are identical to scrolls in creation, cost, and function. Lastly, they are less useful to most and will be hard to sell for money. Really all the above fluff is just fluff and what we want from this is scrolls so we can cast more spells in a given day. Craft these whenever you can; make one for every spell that you DON’T plan to cast every day, and make two for every spell that you DO plan to cast daily. Mesmerists don’t have a lot of spells but this will go miles toward giving us more, especially at low levels, and gives us all the flexibility of the entire adept spell list (which isn’t that much so we need it all) on demand.

                Spells! Shazaamo! We get orisons, but the mesmerist spells per day table is for a spontaneous caster so it doesn’t address Lv0 spells. We can just use the mesmerist Lv0 spells known table for their spells per day because, why not? Guidance, Vigor, and Touch of Fatigue seem like decent starting choices, definitely not Light though. We have DANKvision so screw the rest of party, we goin dark up in here; Tom Clancy!

                As a divine caster we get to know all the spells on the adept list as soon as we can access that spell level. Sadly that’s only 19 in total (We are using the expanded 3.0 spell list in addition to the pathfinder adept list.) Even still, its cool to not have to learn them 2 by 1 etc… For Lv1, at least for now, Sleep and Cause Fear are going to be the best area and single target offensive spells. Lesser Cold Orb isn’t a bad choice as it can trigger the damage from Painful Stare. Protection From is a decent good mojo defensive and is pretty much all we have in that department besides Obscuring Mist. For good Voodoo, Scarify is 2d6+ instead of 1d8+ but the damage is converted to nonlethal so you gotta rest or use CLW to complete the heal. Beguiling Gift is a homebrew change in place of Command because its just more fun; think of all the pranks you can play with this. Make at least 1 fetish of ScareCrow in case of animals, maybe 1 of burning hands for if you need to make some big flames, and a few of Cure Light and/or Scarify. Detect charm is skippable in most campaigns as very few low level adventures will involve foes who can employ long-lasting compulsions but maybe you could bring it up to the DM that you have this and they’ll advise you on its potential for use.

Level 2:

                Mesmerist Tricks are little features that could be cool but have a lot of limitations that make em kinda suck. You can pre-cast them and they last all day but don’t do anything until triggered by a specific condition. Activating the trick in response to the trigger is described as “a free action, even when it isn’t your turn” which is just a cover-all for an immediate action you can still use on your turn. You can only have a few (1 for now) up at a time and you have to pick which ones you want to have on but few are super versatile and how are you gonna know which one you need? Well… we’re gonna pick the most generic ones like Compel Alacrity which triggers any time the subject starts their turn threatened and then allows 10ft (+5 per 5lvs) of non-provoking movement as a free action. For now put it on yourself in the morning and remember that the first time something is on you, you can just get away without losing economy.

                Hypnotism is our first Hypnotic Eyeball ability which just lets our Eyeball use Hypnotism as a spell-like ability, but only when its in our body. This is the thematic swirling eyeball effect and represents our ability to see into the soul and manipulate it through our overpowering mojo. There’s a lot of fun that can be had with this ability if you’re just out to goof around and I do strongly encourage you to do so.

                Meld is the other aspect of our hypnotic eyeball. The eyeball can merge into a willing creatures forehead and add your trait bonuses to their perception and sense motive making them a better scout. Later on you can do some cool things through this but, for now, this is it. Put your eyeball in the point-man if he’ll allow it. Hypnotize him into it if he won’t. Note that while the eyeball is melded with someone, other than us, it has to roll a fort save vs DC10+½ the damage; if it fails it takes half the damage.

Level 3:

                Bold Stares are great buffs for our Gaze attack and the Disorientation option applies the -2 penalty to attack rolls as well. Now we’re inflicting -2 to Will and -2 to hit with no save! Many things at this level will still just be swinging sticks at you so this is of great value.

                Occular Occlusions are vision affecting curses that we can inflict with a touch (3+WIS x/day, DC 10+INT+½lvl.) Our first occlusion is Clouded Vision which causes Dazzled (-1 to hit) and a 20% miss chance. That’s not a bad penalty but is it worth risking getting whacked in melee? Probably not but it isn’t bad if we use it on something that’s threatening us, then use our Compel Alacrity to gtfo and still have a move action to get some distance from the threat.

                Great Fortitude is great for fortitude saves. ‘Innit? And since our eyeball has to make a fortitude save if its host takes damage, this makes us a bit less likely to lose an eye. Our fort saves aren’t that great in the first place so this shores up a weakness anyway. Gotta keep our Voodoo strong!

Level 4:

                Mesmeric Pantomime is a weird sounding trick but it should be pretty helpful at this level. Basically this lets you add your WIS bonus (or your actual skill if its better) to their STR or DEX based skill or ability check. I really like that it is non-combat oriented as most of the tricks require planning for what your next combat will bring; or you have to spend a standard in combat and the trick may still not be triggered. This one can be applied right before your meatboi tries to smash that door or right before your buckethead tries to skirt that sheer cliff. It will probably be overshadowed at higher levels by flight and teleportation but it will always be a neat supportive tool.

                2nd Level spells brings us a phenomenal array of flavorful and useful tools. Aid, Resist Energy, and the Animal’s Stats spells are great for supporting your party members with extra Voodoo or Mojo, especially as its unlikely that they’ll have a lot of enhancement bonuses yet, while Mirror Image and Invisibility are great for keeping yourself out of danger. You can’t share spells with your eye but you can still cast spells on it normally- an invisible eye will soon be a great extension of your scouting ability though its hard to justify your top spell slots for that application right now. Web is outstanding battlefield control. Decomposition could add up to a lot of chip damage as their Voodoo leaks out. Choke is decent for caster shut-down. Scorching Ray is going to be our big damage output- easy to hit with a ranged touch attack so use it on the target of your Gaze to trigger Pain and you’ll be doing 4d6+2d6+2 at this level. No need for fetishes of CMW yet as CLW is more economical but, then again, it couldn’t hurt. 1 Fetish of animal trance will make scarecrow obsolete, 1 each of See Invis and Delay Poison just incase, and probably 1 of Enemy’s Heart just for fun. A few fetishes of the animal’s stats is a nice excuse to actually use them- I never feel like prepping any on the daily. Otherwise make a few fetishes of your best everyday choices just so you can have a few extra castings over a long adventuring day- remember you don’t have a lot of spell slots and never will compared to other full casters. Besides… what else are you gonna spend your gold on? Detect emotions is exactly detect thoughts but flavored for states of feeling rather than topics of thought, useful for finding targets but even more useful for social interactions so keep a fetish of one around. Enchantment sight is, much like detect charm was, possibly skippable.

Level 5:

                Manifold Tricks just lets you have two tricks given out at a time- still only one per person. At this level you can just have alacrity on two people as pantomime is non-combat but soon we’ll have some good ones for reactionary in-combat use as well.

                Suggestion is the next hypnotic eyeball ability and just allows us to use that as a Spell Like ability 1x/day as long as the eyeball is in our body. Consider this an upgrade to hypnotism but we still get to use that once a day too. More fun to be had but this also pairs great with the next ability. At this point you can potentially suggest that a foe be willing to meld your eye with him but there isn’t much you can do aside from hypnotize them into ignoring/forgetting the eye and have your eye observe the path they take back to their base.

                Staring Eye is a really cool one that gives us yet more utility from our eye. We can now see through the eyeball familiar as if it were an Arcane Eye. This raises questions though because the arcane eye spell just lays out rules of how the magical sensor can move- does this mean our eye can go faster while this is active and squeeze through 1-inch holes? For funsies I’m going to say sure! You could send the eye scouting on its own or, better yet, use this with the Meld ability as suggested above. In addition we can now use our Gaze attack through the eye! Try putting it in an ally’s head and using your Gaze on his target while you stay safely back. Both of these abilities require expending 1 use of our daily tricks but that’s fine because tricks aren’t that great anyway- its like turning a niche hard to use resource into… another niche hard to use resource… lol.

                Improved Great Fortitude Greatly Improves Great Fortitude, innit gr8? Again, I plan to get stupid with melding this eyeball later so hopefully this will save it from my recklessness. DICE GODS BLESS ME as I reroll that save to keep my eye alive after getting this host npc’s head smashed in. Also, fort saves can be nasty so this is likely to protect us even more than our eye.

Level 6:

                Mask Misery is our next trick and should be a truly useful one. When triggered we can allow the subject to ignore, for 1d4 rounds, the following conditions: Fascinated, Shaken, Confused, Dazed, Frightened, and Sickened. This isn’t bad to leave on someone all day but its really great way to spend a standard action- your turn saves your ally from bad voodoo and losing 1d4 of theirs. We intend for this to just replace the Touch Treatment ability we gave up for our archetype but that does bring up a question which is unclear in the rules. Does the trick only trigger when the subject first gains the condition? Or does it immediately trigger if we implant the trick while they’re suffering from it? I’ll rule that it immediately triggers because tricks kinda suck but I can see other points of view as well because the ability, as a whole, does seem to be oriented toward planning ahead.

                Blindness is the next Ocular Occlusion ability we get which is pretty potent. We can now bump into something to sap its mojo away leaving the target blinded for 1 minute- but we can also permanently cure blindness which is pretty neat. Secondarily, once you learn a new occlusion all lesser ones can be used as 30ft ranged touch attacks! Now you can safely use Clouded Vision or take big risks for big reward by touching for blindness- at least if it works they can’t make an AOO you when bail out. FYI Blinded is -2 AC, no DEX to AC, -4 to most STR/DEX skills/checks and perception, autofail all sight-based checks and activities, 50% miss chance, and requires a DC10 acro check to move faster than ½ speed or fall prone.

Level 7:

                Sluggishness is our next Bold Stare which modifies our main Gaze attack. Our Gaze now slows its target by 5ft, not a huge advantage but, with our gaze having a 30ft range and most enemies having 30ft speed, this means that most medium and smaller enemies will be just out of move range. That’s not the good part though, the penalty from our Gaze now also applies to reflex saves! Web is gonna love that, and we just got lightning bolt!

                Focused Pain is our homebrew feat and is more of a resource-saver than anything else at this level. Rather than spend a spell-slot to deal a butt-load of damage you can spend an occlusion to deal modest damage. Why does it cost occlusions? Because I felt that 3d6+4 at will right now was unfair. Later on this will get tremendous use because of how it extends the duration of additional Stare/Gaze effects to 1d4 instead of only lasting 1 round.

                3rd Level spells bring us some really great ones for both effect and flavor but the list isn’t very big overall. Bestow curse should always be prepared because we love to curse bad people and contagion is a good way to switch it up, though we won’t have an easy time delivering either without a metamagic Rod of Reach (get the cheap one and hope for a better one as loot.) Blood Rage is a fantastic buff for huge bonuses to STR on meatshields. Lightning Bolt is, of course, solid for friendly AOE. Animate Dead is neat but you’ll want to be careful how you use it- more on that in the roleplay section. Most of the spells are neat but niche and, though expensive, I think its worth making a fetish of tongues, remove curse/disease, and neutralize poison. Aura Sight is a divination addition for the eye flavor but probably not that useful- its just a better detect alignment. Detect anxieties and Detect Desires, however, can be instrumental in being influential. These are additions to improve the flavor of your third eye showing that you can see into character’s souls. Prep it on the daily when in town for roleplay purposes but maybe only keep 1 fetish of each for travel.

Level 8:

                Our Gaze attack upgrades at this level making the penalty a -3. At this point the penalty also applies to attack rolls and reflex saves. Sweet!

                Mesmeric Mirror is mirror images in a trick. Yay! We can put it on us, we can put it on someone else, it’s a great all-day trick candidate and probably better than any of the tricks we’ve learned so far. Just casting the normal 2nd level spell is stronger because its 1d4+1/3lv while this is 1+1/5lv (2 right now) but this remains a great tool to protect allies or replace your own images after they run out.

Level 9:

                Manifold Tricks increments up to 3 now so we can have a trick on up to 3 people. This goes a long way towards making them useful and, at this level, we can probably do it at least 7 times which is plenty for some all-day tricks, a use or two of mask misery, and a use or two of Staring eye to Scout or Gaze attack through our eyeball familiar.

                Demoralizing Stare is a feat that will allow us to apply the shaken condition to any target that suffers damage from our Painful Stare ability. The target does get a will save DC 10+INT+½Lv, but we already impose a -3 penalty to a few things and if this sticks its gonna be a -5 to a lot of things. Unfortunately this only lasts for 1 round which is doodoo voodoo but 1 round of them suckin is 1 round of us rockin right? If an ally triggers this  or you use Focused Pain to trigger it with a longer duration you can follow up with a bestow curse for a further -4 to everything and REALLY make em feel it. It isn’t useful for fear stacking but we’re really just interested in stacking other penalties anyway.

                Dominate is the next ability that our Hypnotic Eye gains. Once per day our Mojo can overpower the mojo of an enemy that can see our eye and then we can use that humanoid sucker for anything we want! You can have your minion willingly meld the eye and see through it via Staring Eye as it scouts the enemy base for you. The ability is once per day and the effect lasts for 1 day so we’ll need to re-dominate each morning but the automatic Gaze penalty vs this ability should really help with that. Given that we’re not a real mesmerist and dominate isn’t even on our spell list I think we should only be allowed to dominate 1 target at a time- the 1 day limit takes care of that. Remember to keep your eye incognito if your pawn is infiltrating and don’t forget that if the host dies your eye may get really roughed up. You can also use suggestion to try to make the host do things against its nature rather than allowing that re-save vs dominate.

Level 10:

                Slip Bonds is our next Trick and it’s one that is really useful; so useful that it’s worth spending a standard action in combat to apply. When the subject is restrained (grappled/pinned/bound/etc) you can trigger the trick to make them go incorporeal just long enough to slip out. Does this immediately free them or does it mean that when they use their action to escape they will surely succeed? It isn’t clear but I’m going to treat it as immediate freedom because theres a lv1 spell that does that and many of these are supposed to be at least that powerful. Since we’re 8th level your subject can remain incorporeal until YOUR next turn, I dunno why its your turn specifically because that seems unwieldy to keep track of but whatever. Further confusing; it states you aren’t incorporeal long enough to phase through objects but… the subject now gets to be incorporeal for a whole turn which seems like plenty of time to me so I dunno. Either way- being incorporeal for a turn is really great even if you have to get grappled to trigger it. At this level there are lots of giant monsters who might like to grapple you or your allies, or even swallow whole, and this ability can totally negate that even if you use it in response to a grapple rather than predictively.

                Eyeless Horror is our next Ocular Occlusion and it is, in my opinion, the best one. If they fail their save (10+WIS+½Lv) they are both blinded and shaken for 1rd/lv and take 1d4 of nonlethal per round as they hallucinate awful things happening to their eyes. If they get slapped they get a 2nd save but it doesn’t say they get a 3rd (silly semantics, I know). This is a risky one because, by now, many big things can nearly 1shot you but if they fail their save they probably can’t; big risk for big reward again. The final big perk is that, now, the blindness occlusion can be used as a 30ft ranged touch attack and that’s going to be our go-to for a while, using this mostly defensively.

                4th Level spells from the adept list alone are a bit underwhelming- there are some decent ones but only 6 of them which is why we’re using that 3.0 expanded list and this level is where it really shines. By now we’re probably in need of a big heal occasionally and Cure Critical wounds helps with that, though not nearly as much as a cleric who can use the Heal spell by now. Polymorph is a great alternative for movement modes which we’ve been lacking so far- other casters have had fly for 4 levels already but we now get access to fly, burrow, and swim speeds with the same spell- note that gorillaz have a climb speed, +physical stats, and can talk so you lose nothing by morphing into one. Stoneskin is a powerful yet costly tool often dismissed because of the 250g price tag- don’t let it break your bank but don’t ignore it either. 250G for ~90 more effective HP is no joke for a big fight; make it a fetish so you can just have it ready without needing to prep it daily. False Bravado is one of the expanded spells which is basically forced fake rage on an enemy- they gain nothing but the penalties and limitations. Depending on how your GM roleplays rage, it could be a strategy breaker and is certainly a caster stopped despite it targeting will saves. Languor is an oddball Ray that allows a will save even if it hits and inflicts both the Slow spell AND a massive incrementing STR penalty each round. As written in 3.0 its 1d6-1 per 2 levels but that’s tedious… lets just do 1d4/2lvs.

Level 11:

                Sapped Magic is another improvement to our Hypnotic Gaze which applies that -3 penalty to the save DC’s of their spells, spell-like abilities, and spell resistance. By now magical foes can have a very dangerous arsenal so dropping their DC’s can be a huge boon to allies. It doesn’t apply to Supernatural abilities but this is still pretty great. Our Gaze now affects Will, Reflex, Attack, Spell DC’s, and Spell Resistance.

                Excoriating Stare is a feat that allows us to inflict Sickened when triggering painful stare. Just like Demoralizing stare, the target gets a save and it only lasts for 1 round. This may seem redundant because -2 is -2 and that’s absolutely true, but this one affects weapon damage making it superior and soon we’ll be able to do both at once. The extra bit of silver lining is that things immune to fear may not be immune to sickened. Just like with Demoralizing- if you let an ally trigger pain or use Focused Pain to trigger it for a longer duration you can stack this with Curse for big fat debuffs.

                Omnivisual is just a little perk from our eyeball familiar when its outside of our body- we gain “all-around vision,” which I didn’t know was a thing, and thus cannot be flanked anymore. I guess its up to the DM what else this does for us but perhaps we’ll get to roll perception when others wouldn’t in some really narrow scenario? I dunno. It’s still cool to be practically immune to the most common condition for sneak attack.

Level 12:

                Masterful Tricks are much much better tricks than normal and our first pick is going to be Cursed Sanction. This trick is triggered when the subject is targeted by an attack roll; pre-emptively! Before the attack gets resolved they must make a will save (10+WIS+½Lv) or be cursed with -4 to all rolls for 1m/lv. This is our new always-on trick. We put it on the all the meatshields (and they’re all meatshields) but maybe keep Images on ourself. After this triggers, at this level, its totally worth replacing it with images in combat. This is also very thematic for us as the effect is modeled after bestow curse.

                Our eyeball can now use its Hypnotism ability at will! The save is low, and hypnotism is more of a roleplay ability but that is where the real fun is anyway. Better still, is that the eyeball can now use both Hypnotism and Suggestion while outside of our body. This means you could potentially use the eye to scout, suggest some goob open the sealed door for it, and hypnotize it to forget or dismiss what happened (if it fails its saves). You could also use either while melded with an ally to aid in their diplomatic endeavors.

Level 13:

                Many tricks increments to 4 at this level which is pretty bangarang. We should have about 11 trick uses per day by now and around 4 of them (assuming typical party size) will be used first thing in the morning. Pretty great.

                This level brings another really great thing- remember how we have two redundant things that can modify Painful Stare but we can’t have both? Well now we can with Compounded Pain! By triggering Painful Stare we can also force 2 will saves, one vs shaken and one vs sickened. If triggering Pain with our homebrew Focused Pain feat we can potentially make it last 1d4 rounds which is absolutely crippling. By now we could have a lot of different penalties stacking up on the target of our gaze and it could get pretty severe. Looking at saves and attack rolls primarily; lets count it all up! -3 from Hypnotic Gaze, -4 from Bestow Curse or Cursed Sanction, -2 from Shaken, -2 from Sickened… that’s -11 to saves and attack rolls (though its only that severe for 1 round.) If you throw in blinded it gets way worse lol.

                5th level spells brings some real power-houses to our kit. Baleful Polymorph targets fort saves so its best used after Cursed Sanction and/or Demoralizing/Excoriating Stare have dropped their saves a bit but it’s a game-ender. Heal is our big topper which should full-heal all but the tankiest peers and remove lots of conditions too. Major creation can be an interesting non-combat problem solver; especially with a few ranks in crafting skills. E.g: you can make ~9100lbs of lead last for 13 hours right now. Wall of Stone is awesome both in combat and out; I’m building a janky castle immediately. Big Sky is another one from the 3.0 expanded list and it’s really really cool thematically- the sky seems to be filled with spirits friendly to allies and fearsome to foes. Allies get +2 to attack and +4 to fear saves while enemies must save vs panic as per the Fear spell. Ghost form is a phenomenal defensive- you go incorporeal becoming immune to mundane attacks, 50% chance to ignore even magical attacks and damage, you can fly perfectly at your normal speed, and you can pass through solid objects- its Blur that doesn’t suck but better! There are some limitations and other specifics but they’re tedious and I might just ignore most of them in my games. Keep a fetish of True Seeing on hand at all times, a few of Heal probably (ouch my wallet), and 1 of Break Enchantment. Commune could be a fetish but can usually just be a tomorrow morning thing in my experience.

Level 14:

                Greater Mask Misery is a trick that opens up the Greater conditions list for our mask misery trick which is great because those conditions are all pretty severe- Cowering, Panicked, Nauseated, and Stunned. Spending a standard to un-stun someone is probably lifesaving and curing the other conditions will, at the very least, save them many rounds of being out of the fight or crippled. It’s a shame we had to lose touch treatment else we could also replicate break enchantment almost for free at this level but we’ll make do with this and a fetish of the spell itself.

                SpellBlight is our final Ocular Occlusion which seemed really interesting at first but it turned out to be kinda dumb. Spellblights are like arcane curses or diseases that affect spellcasters in some way but we can only inflict the ones that affect our foes eyes. Ebon Eyes just inverts light for purposes of vision- dark is bright and normal illumination is darkness for the victim; regular blindness is flat out better. Hemoculysis causes dazzled and 1 bleed when they cast a spell- but its only 1 bleed and only for a few rounds and its not enough damage to make the casting while injured concentration check difficult for level appropriate foes. Eldritch Cataracts requires a fort save every time they cast a spell but the penalty for failure is only -1 to perception… it stacks up to -4 at which point they’re blinded and it is kinda hard to cure but… why not just blind them immediately with the eyeless horror occlusion and have other effects as well? This could be cool for roleplay as a curse to inflict upon lesser casters but in combat vs a real threat its only real benefit is that now all the other occlusions can be ranged touch attacks. Ray of Eyeless Horror is going to rock.

Level 15:

                NightMare is our final bold stare improvement which forces the target of our bold stare to roll twice against fear saves and take the lower result. We don’t have a lot of fear effects but Big Sky is an amazing spell and, after a few debuffs go up, this all but ensures that our main target will be panicked (except that bosses are usually immune to fear so pick a Lt. or something). As usual toward the end of a build we’re got all the important stuff already so feel free to take any other one you want.

                Intensify Spell is the only metamagic feat I wanted to bother with. The adept spell list is very very limited and the mesmerist’s spell level progression and spells per day isn’t ideal for supporting metamagic but our lightning bolt capped out at 10d6 three levels after we got it. That wasn’t such a big deal because the target of our gaze could take extra damage through intense pain keeping big damage on, at least, that primary target. By now, however, it has fallen behind what other classes can do and we have enough spells of enough levels to warrant a +1 slot. Our lightning bolt will now do 15d6 to all targets or 20d6+8 to our gaze target which is not just up to speed, its pretty decent. Sadly the adept spell list ends at 5th level so if we keep going there will be no 6th level spells or, at least, the list will be entirely homebrew. Take empower and/or heighten at some point if you go that far to make use of those slots.

Combos and Strategies

Hypnotic Gaze + Demoralizing Stare + Excoriating Stare + Curse (bestow or sanction)
This is a big list of effects which we can probably get rolling on our primary target all at once, though it isn’t fully online until level 13. When you add it all together you have -11 atk, -11 will and ref saves, -8 fort, -3 DC’s and SR, -8 to skills + ability checks, -2 to damage. Do your DM a favor and keep track of this stuff or he’ll hate you.

Staring Eye + Invisibility + Suggestion + Hypnotism
While you could scout with a dominated goob, you can also send your eyeball ahead with invisibility. It uses your perception, has no capacity to make noise or leave tracks, and can fly. It can’t interact with objects but by level 12 it can suggest that NPC’s do it for him and then hypnotize them into forgetting about it.

Blindness/Contagion/Curse + Remove Blindness/Disease/Curse
How is this a combo? For roleplay of course. Inflict a nasty status and force the target to do something to earn its reversal.

Poop in Leaf + Beguiling Gift
If someone really deserves to eat shit… well this is how you make it happen.

Painful Stare + Scorching Ray or Lightning Bolt
This will be broken for a few levels, even out, then be broken again. 4d6+4d6+3d6+4 at level 7 is 11d6+4. That’s great, but its not any more powerful than an evoker wizard’s empowered scorching ray except that we don’t have to use metamagic to get it. It’s also no more powerful than a rogue using a wand of it. Lightning bolt will be 7d6+3d6+4 when we get it but will cap out at 10d6+4d6+5 at lv10 and will improve only slightly until 15th level when we take Intensify which will make it awesome again for a few levels.

Melding + Staring Eye
The primary use for this is to meld your third eye into a “meathead” use staring eye to activate its gaze within range of the desired target while you remain safely at range. It also serves to help more durable allies if they are scouting and at later levels you can even use it to provide social interaction support through hypnotize and suggestion. Eventually you can dominate an enemy npc, meld cuz its willing now, and use staring eye to guide it around the enemy base, maybe have it use suggestion on another npc you find in there… theres limitless trouble to get into! Lets just hope your eye can get out of it alive.


        Manifold Stare is a feat we would take at level 7 that lets us apply our Painful Stare damage twice in a turn instead of just once. If using it to increase an ally’s damage its only an extra 4 damage per round at this level, however, when using it increase our own damage its going to be 3d6+4. That sounds really nice when scorching ray just got a 2nd ray for a grand potential total of 14d6+8. This is pretty busted, I admit, so we’ll probably need to keep it reigned in but, then again, when you compare to a wizard who just got 4th level spell slots and could empower his scorching ray for up to ~12d6 (+3 if evoker) then its… still really hard to swallow. But is it illegal? Yes, absolutely, because our base class is mesmerist and aren’t supposed to have scorching ray. Personally I would limit myself to 1d4 of these per day and warn the DM that he may need to help his important baddies out with some fire resistance.

                If using the above for the mega-blasty build you could forego Demoralizing and Excoriating Stare and get Intense Pain to add even more damage. You’ll still need to get compounded pain too. I’m not sure why but it seems folks agree that manifold stare is an effect modifying painful stare which you can only do 1 of per round so if you want both manifold and Intense you’ll need compounded. Weird but its not like this is fair anyway so sure, feat tax the heck out of it!


This character shores up a lot of the weaknesses of a typical mesmerist though it creates some new ones too. The adept spell list gives us access to spells that aren’t mind affecting and our offensives will cover every type of save.

Some of our saves will be good but our physical defenses will be low, even in light armor, until we can get mirror image. We don’t get displacement at all but at level 13 we get ghost form which is way better even if way later.

Limited Spells per day
We will be a bit under other casters in both spells per day and spell levels though our fetishes should help mitigate that a bit and our Gaze should compensate for our lower spell DC’s.

You’ll put an eye out!
Using our familiar in a reckless manner is a necessary risk. DO IT! But don’t let it die.


                When asked about your third eye, you happily tell the tale of your origins to explain it. You were born with it in your forehead and, when it finally opened upon reaching adulthood, it manifested strange powers which allowed you to afflict others with your gaze. This power disturbed superstitions and brought suspicion upon you; soon you were shunned by your tribe and cast out to wander alone. During walkabout you practiced and strengthened the powers of the eye learning to harness its abilities but also, inadvertently, caused it to grow in size. Soon it was forced out of your skull and, to protect it, you used your scarify spell to reshape your body over the course of months. Now it resides safely in your belly where you can reveal or release it by opening your tunic (revealing everything else under there as well). You do not blame the eye for your excommunication, rather you see it as a sacred gift and commiserate with it over your misfortune pitying those who could not see its value.

                Your motivations for adventuring are, essentially, to uplift the downtrodden and trod upon the lofty. On walkabout you’ve been consistently mistreated by “fatties” (any larger race) and “poopheads” (any more civilized race) and witnessed “buds” (any small and/or uncivilized race) suffering the same. You are not simply vindictive, however, as your eye has given you clear insight into the oppressors driving motivations and the feelings of their victims; you just want to make the world a fairer place. Where there is inequity you always root for the underdog (sometimes unjustly) and love to see a bully get what he deserves, even if you must go out of your way to personally make it happen. Furthermore you are compelled to care for your peers in social (and physical) stature. During downtime you should find the low places and offer free spellcasting services and even offer spiritual guidance. Afterwards you should attempt to offer grossly overpriced exotic spellcasting services in wealthier areas and perhaps even spiritual (mis)guidance just to mess with them, though you won’t ignore a genuine plight.

                Day to day Garl’ick is quirky and playful. You should play small pranks on your party members and npcs, especially the longshanks, and try to come up with nicknames which they find agreeable according to an inverse function of their height and self esteem. In little time you should grow to care about your peers and take a vested interest in their spiritual well-being too, longshanks or short. Investigate their backgrounds, goals, and reasoning with questions that may seem intrusive or judgmental but always lead the conversation back to their spiritual growth, maintaining strong voodoo, or developing good mojo. When asked about the mysterious forces which you wield you describe them vaguely and it may take several discussions to explain, even if you have to bring it back up forcibly.

is the mysterious force that binds our spirits to our bodies. Strong voodoo means good health and vitality while weak voodoo means frailty and can lead to death. Bad voodoo weakens the binding force and can even sever a soul from its body while good voodoo strengthens the binding force and can even restore a soul lost from its body- though spirits are not always the same after returning from the other world. (this is why you are ok with animate dead; as far as you’re concerned its really the person who died but they’re all messed up because of what they’ve seen on the other side.)

is another mysterious force that can be loosely equated to destiny; it represents how powerful a spirits presence in the physical world and the magnitude of a spirit’s effect upon the world. Strong mojo could be magic, muscle, cleverness, social grace, or even supportive friends. Weak mojo could manifest as butter-fingers, phobia, stupidity, or simple loneliness. “Good mojo” represents a beneficial strengthening of mojo while “Bad mojo” represents a detrimental loss- too little mojo is naturally unpleasant but too much mojo can incite “mojo madness.” Mojo can also be seen simply as a composite abstraction of the capacity for success.

                Lastly, you love pickles! You like things that are crunchy, pungent, salty, or juicy but pickles are ALL FOUR; tastes like Mojo! You aren’t strong enough to carry around a jar and you’re not interested in fermenting them yourself but wherever you go you ask for the pickles. You do, however, love flavor enough to keep a spice shaker on your body 24/7, right next to your spell component pouch (maybe if some rogue tries to swipe or sunder it they’ll get the spices instead?). You also purchase or scavenge (or just steal) spices wherever you go whether it be a small settlement, a major port to exotic lands, or just wandering in the woods. You put those spices on everything and you really pour it on so you’re always in need of more.

Spell List

Since we’re roughly in homebrew territory I figure the spell list would be helpful. The spells at the bottom of each level are the ones from the expanded 3.0 list.


Create Water:
Detect Magic:
Ghost Sound:
Guidance: +1 on skill check
Purify Food and Drink:
Read Magic:
Touch of Fatigue:

Vigor: +1 on attack
Dawn: awakens anyone sleeping or knocked out by non-lethal damage


Blessvsf: 50ft burst, 1m/lv, allies gain +1 to attack and saves vs fear.
Burning Handsvs: 15ft cone, 1d4/lv fire, max 5d4, sets objects on fire. Reflex halves and avoid burning.
Cause Fearvs: Close, one 5HD creature, frightened for 1d4 rounds, save for 1 round of shaken.
Beguiling GiftVSF: 5ft range, 1 round, will negates. The target must accept offered object and then consume or don the object with its next action. Will drop held objects if necessary, may stop/drop after that turn.
Comprehend LanguagesVSF: personal, 10m/lv, understand written and spoken languages, but cannot speak or write them.
Cure L Woundsvs: Touch, 1d8+1/lv max5
Detect Chaos/Law/Good/Evilvsf: Personal, 60ft cone, 10m/lv. detects alignment auras
Prot from Chaos/Law/Good/Evilvsf: Touch, 1m/lv, +2 to AC and Saves vs effects from evil creatures, prevents outsider contact.
Endure Elementsvs: Touch, 24hrs, exist cozy between -50 and 140 degrees F
Obscuring Mistsvs: 20’ radius from self, 20% miss chance at 5’, 50% miss further. 1m/lv
Sleepvsm: Med, 10ft burst, 4HD of foes fall asleep for 1m/lv
Face of the DevourerVS: touch, 1m/lv, Ug-Face gives +4 to intimidate and a 1d6 bite attack.
PreserveVSF: touch, 1week, 1lb/lv, perishables remain fresh and are immune to spoilage.
ScarifyVS: convert 2d6+1/lv damage into nonlethal. Counts as healing for stopping bleed etc…
Shield the BannerVSF: object touched, 1m/lv, Sanctuary for objects- no touchy!

Hawkeyev: +5 to spot checks, range increment increases by 50%, 10min/Lv.
Lesser Cold Orbvs: Close, 1 orb dealing 1d8/2lvs cold damage (max 5d8). Range touch attack.
Scarecrowvs: Target animal becomes shaken.

Detect CharmVS: 60ft cone, 1m/lv, detect strength and location of charm, compulsion, and possession effects. Identify effect with spellcraft. Sense Motive to discern the caster/controller if present.


Aidvs: Touch, 1m/lv,  +1 to atk, saves vs fear, 1d8+1/lv temp HP.
Animal Trancevs: Close, concentration, fascinate 2d6 HD of animals or magical beasts
Cure M Woundsvs: 2d8+1/lv max10
+4 STR/CON/DEX/WISvsf: Touch, 1m/lv
Darknessvm: Touch, 1m/lv, object emanates 20’ radius of darkness dropping light level by 1 step. Dim = 20% miss, Dark = 50%.
Delay Poisonvs: Touch, 1hr/lv, prevents further effects of poison while allowing saves. Doesn’t cure damage already caused.
Invisibilityvsm: Touch, 1m/lv, invis
Mirror Imagevs: personal, 1m/lv, 1d4 +1/3lv images.
Resist Energyvs: Touch, 10m/lv, 10 energy resist vs energy type specified at casting.
Scorching Rayvs: Close, ranged touch, 4d6 per ray, 1 ray atL3, 2 rays at L7, 3 rays at L11.
See Invisvsm: personal, 10m/lv, caster sees invis and ethereal as translucent forms
Webvsm: Medium, 10m/lv, Ref save vs Grappled. CMB or esc-art vs spell DC to break free, moving through the area requires the same check and is difficult terrain. Failure while moving = grappled.
Enemy’s HeartVSM: touch, 1m/HD of target, cut out and eat heart as coupe de gras to gain 1d8+1/lv, +1CL, and +2 STR.
Inner FocusVSF: personal, 10m/lv, ignore divine components of spells.
Rumbling FuryVS: 30ft cone, Trip vs all targets, shake objects.

Chokevsm: invisible hands choke the target dealing 1d4 /rnd (ref ½ ). -2 penalty to all rolls and checks, -4 if verbal. Spellcasting requires concentration check +1/2 last rounds damage. Target must have a neck.
Decomposition vsdf: 50ft radius, 1r/lvl, each time foes in the area take damage they begin to decompose. Decomposing foes suffer 3 more dmg on their turn until healed (magic, or DC15 skill). NoSave.

Detect EmotionsVSF: 60ft cone, 1m/lv, detect present or absence of emotions, then the number of feeling minds and the INT of each (get stunned if 10 higher than yours), then surface feelings of any mind in the area. Otherwise as Detect Thoughts.
Enchantment SightVS: personal, 60ft, 10m/lv, immediately discern the presence, type, and strength of enchantment effects in your sight.


Animate Deadvsm: Touch, 2HD/lv, 25g per corpse, make ZomB’s or skeles.
Bestow Curseva: Touch, Permanent, -6 to a score, -4 to all rolls, 50% chance for no action. Will Negates.
Contagionva: Touch, infect with chosen disease, for negates.
Continual Flamevam: Touch, creates permanent, heatless flame. 50gp ruby dust.
Cure Serious Woundsvs: 3d8+1/lv max15
Daylightvs: Touch, 10m/lv, object emits daylight out to 60’, dim light out to 120’.
Deeper Darknessvm: Touch, 10m/lv, object emits 60’ of darkness, 120’ of dimness.
Lightning Boltvsm: 120ft line, 1d6/Lv max 10d6, reflex for ½
Neutralize Poisonvsm: touch, duh
Remove Cursevs: touch, doy
Remove Diseasevs: touch, dur
TonguesVF: touch, 10m/lv, speak+understand any language
Blood RageVSM: close, 1ally/2lvs 30ft apart, 1rd/lv, +2 STR and -1AC per 5dmg taken up to +10/-5.

Beastmaskvs: Glamer target as a beast. Fools all animal senses but not humanoid. Must be within 2 size categories. 5 min +1 min /Lv.
Embrace the Wildvf: Personal, 10m/lv, take on the skills and sensory abilities of selected animal. Requires a focus from the animal. (can get blindsense, scent, etc).
Enhance Familiar vs: 1hr/lv, +2 to saves, attacks, dmg, AC to familiar.

Aura SightVS: personal, 120ft, 1m/lv, instantly know the location, power, and alignment of all alignment auras within sight.
Detect AnxietiesVSF:  60ft cone, 1m/lv, Detect presence of feeling minds, then WIS scores and degrees of fear, then current most pressing anxieties.
Detect DesiresVSF: 60ft cone,  1m/lv, Detect presence of feeling minds, then CHA scores, then most current pressing desires.



Cure Critical Woundsvs: 4d8+1/lv
Minor Creationvsm: 1ft3 per caster level of vegetable matter, 1hr/lv. 1m cast.
Polymorphvsm: Touch, 1m/lv, Replicates Beast Shape II, Elemental Body I, or Alter Self.
Restorationvsm: touch, 100g cost, dispel temporary negative levels, all temp ability damage, one ability’s permanent damage or one permanent negative level (1000g for the level), cures fatigue and exhaustion.
Stoneskinvsm: Touch, 10m/lv, DR10/adamantine up to 10/lv absorbed. 250g cost.
Wall of Firevsf: 100’ +10’/lv range. 20’/lv long or ring w radius of 5’/2lv, always 20’ tall. One side pulses 2d4 out to 10’ and 1d4 out to 20’. 2d6+1/lv on contact.

False Bravado vsf: Close, 3rds + targets CON, subject acts as if raging without any benefit, suffers all normal penalties (-2 AC, limit skills, can’t cast or concentrate), is fatigued after. Will Negates.
Languorvs: Ray of Slow. Target takes 1d6-1 Str damage per /2Lv accumulating each round. Targets with 0 STR are helpless.
Weather Eyevsmf: Predict natural weather up to 1 week in advance, plus detect magic upon unnatural weather conditions. 1 hour cast time, range 1 mile /Lv.


Baleful Polymorphvs: Close, permanent. Beast Shape III but only for shapes small and under. +4 to save if the shape is fatal. Fort negates. Will save or lose mind and magic. Retain class, level, and some abilities.
Break enchantmentvs: Close, 1target /lv within 30ft area. Breaks echantments, transmutations, curses.
Communevsmfx: Personal, 10m cast time, 1rd/lv, Ask yes/no questions to deity, 500g cost.
Healvs: Touch, 10HP/lv, cures ability dmg, blind, confu, daze, dazzle, deaf, disease, exhaust, fatigue, feeblemind, insanity, nausea, poison, sick, and stun.
Major Creationvsm: 1ft3/lv, of any composition, duration depends on material. 10m cast time.
Raise Deadvsmf: Touch, 1m cast,  5000g of diamonds, 2 permanent negative levels, but alive again.
True Seeingvsm: Touch, 1m/lv, 250g ointment, 120ft of true sight.
Wall of Stonevsf: Medium, 1 square/Lv. 1” thick /4Lv. Can be shaped in any way, can double area or thickness by halving the other.

Big Skyvsf: 30’ radius. 1rnd /Lv. The sky seems full of spirits, benevolent to allies and loathsome to foes. Allies gain +2 morale to attack and +4 vs fear. Enemies must save vs fear each round or become panicked. Only 1 save is necessary, but shaken for 1 round after.
Ghost Formvs: 1 min /Lv. Become incorporeal, immune to nonmagical attacks. 50% chance to ignore damage effects from a corporeal source. No armor bonus, but gain CHA as deflection. Spells affect material plane normally, . Can fly at perfect, normal speed.