Goblin, Fantasy, and RPG Blog
Oozes, Slimes, Jellies, and Molds are great. Goblins are great! Great things ought to go together so, primarily for use with Guk the Filth Shaman, I felt the need to create and modify some more Slime stuff. I present to you the Slime Domain and some other slime themed spells and changes.
Slime Domain
Acid Dart (Sp): As a standard action, you can unleash an
acid dart targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This acid
dart deals 1d6 points of damage +1 point for every 2 cleric levels you possess.
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom
Acid Resistance (Ex): at 6th level you gain acid
resistance 10. This resistance increases to 20 at 12th level. At 20th
level you gain immunity to acid.
1st– Grease, 2nd– Acid Arrow, 3rd– Rusting Grasp, 4th– Touch of Slime, 5th-Create Ooze, 6- Control Ooze, 7- Flesh to Ooze, 8- Horrid Wilting, 9-Shambler.
Rusting grasp at a lower level (3 vs 4) shouldn’t be broken. Sure its gonna be a game-changer vs an iron door but the GM could also just say it is a magic door, as any important door should be. Iron Golems should not be fought any where near when you get this spell anyway but, at least, you’d have a tool to try. It’ll probably pay off bigtime vs an armored meatshield though- touch attack to reduce AC by 1d6, that’s a pretty significant change in chance to hit for allies.
School: transmutation; Level Alchemist 6, Sorcerer/Wizard 6
This spell functions identically to the control undead spell with the exception that it affects only creatures with the ooze subtype.
School: transmutation; Level Alchemist 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Casting Time: 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (a pool of liquid of the save volume and concentrated acids worth 500gp per HD of the ooze to be created)
Range: Close
Target: one pool of liquid
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell resistance no
This spell allows you to create ooze creatures out of raw materials. The HD of the ooze created may not be less than the HD listed in its monster manual entry and your caster level must be greater than the HD of the ooze to be created. You may create multiple oozes with a single casting but they must be of the same kind. Oozes created by this spell are mindless and uncontrolled; even normally intelligent oozes have no INT score or loyalty to their creator though, during the hour-long cast time, the caster may include other applicable measures to contain or affect the behavior of the created ooze such as using Wild Empathy with the Ooze Whisperer feat.
School: transmutation (polymorph); Level Alchemist 5, Magus 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a bit of the creature whose form you plan to assume)
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
While in the form of an Ooze you gain some of the beneficial qualities of an Ooze. When you cast Ooze Aspect, choose one of the following ooze abilities to gain its benefit. You can only have one Ooze Aspect or Greater Ooze Aspect spell active on you at a time. If you are not an Ooze or in the form of an ooze this spell has no effect.
Transparent: You gain a +10 bonus to stealth checks and a perception check is required to notice you unless you act while being observed. Any creature which does not notice you and walks into your space automatically suffers damage as if struck by your slam attack and is immediately subject to a grab attempt, if you can make one.
Engulf: You may engulf creatures of your size or smaller. As a standard action you may move up to your speed through opponents squares engulfing them as you go. You can affect as many targets as can fit within your space(s). The action provokes attacks of opportunity from foes but, if they do so, they are not entitled to a saving throw. Foes can attempt a reflex saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + ½Lv + WIS to avoid being engulfed, instead being pushed aside or back as you move (their choice). Creatures engulfed are pinned, suffocating, and subject to any other effects from being in contact with you, and are trapped inside your body until they break or escape the pin.
Splatter: You can hurl a portion of your acidic ooze at a creature or area within 30ft. Your size determines the area of the attack; If you are a small or medium Ooze you may target one 5ft, if you are Large you may target a 10ft square area, and if you are Huge you may target a 15ft square area. Creatures and metal, wooden, or organic objects within the area take damage equal to the acid portion of your slam attack. Creatures may make a reflex saving throw to halve the damage.
Split: Your body can split into separate forms when cloven or pierced in two. Upon taking piercing or slashing damage you split into two identical copies of yourself in Ooze Form, each with half your current hit points. Active spells and effects continue to affect both copies normally and only two copies can exist at any given time. Both copies act on your turn but you can still only cast one spell per turn. You cannot split if you possess 10 Hit Points or less and if a copy dies, or if the copies are not adjacent at the end of the duration of your Ooze Form, you take 1d4 CON damage.
Corrosion: Your digestive acid dissolves organic material and metal quickly, but does not affect stone. Each time a creature suffers damage from your Ooze Form’s natural acid, its clothing and armor suffer the same amount of damage from the acid unless the target succeeds at a reflex save DC = 10 + ½Lv + WIS. Creatures being constricted by you take a -4 penalty on this reflex save. Remaining in contact with an unattended organic or metal object for one full round deals maximum acid damage to the object.
Compression: Your amorphous body can move through an area as small as 1 inch without squeezing and can squeeze through even the smallest cracks or gaps just as water can.
Disease: Your slime allow pockets of organic material to remain untouched by your acid where rot and disease fester within. Creatures damaged by your Slam or Acid are exposed to Filth Fever and must make a Fortitude save or instantly contract the disease.
School: transmutation (polymorph); Level Alchemist 7, Magus 7, Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a bit of the creature whose form you plan to assume)
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
This spell functions as Ooze Aspect, except that you can gain two aspects at once and may also select from the aspects below.
Split, Greater: This aspect functions as the Split aspect from the Ooze Aspect spell but up to 4 copies may exist at once. If three copies exist and one copy is killed, you take 1d3 CON damage. If 4 copies exist and one is killed, you take 1d2 CON damage. CON damage taken when a copy is killed is based on the highest number of copies that existed at any time since you most recently Split or Divided.
Divide: You may deliberately divide your body into two identical, yet faster, copies. Dividing is a standard action. Each copy has half your current Hit Points and gains +10 speed to all its forms of movement. Up to 4 copies may exist at once. If three copies exist and one copy is killed, you take 1d3 CON damage. If 4 copies exist and one is killed, you take 1d2 CON damage. CON damage taken when a copy is killed is based on the highest number of copies that existed at any time since you most recently Divided or Split.
Paralysis: You secrete an anesthetizing slime. Any target hit by your slam or engulf attacks must succeed at a fortitude save DC = 10 + ½LV + WIS or be paralyzed or 1d6 rounds.
Modified the following clause to include natural weapons: A wood, metal, or natural weapon that strikes you takes acid damage as if from your slam unless the attacker succeeds at a Reflex saving throw.
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting time: 1 round
Components: 1 living ooze creature
Range: Medium
Effect: 200ft area, see text
Duration: 10m per level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates, Reflex partial, see text.
Unwilling, intelligent oozes may make a fortitude save to negate the effects of this spell. Non-intelligent oozes do not receive a saving throw.
You cause an ooze to expand into a titanic blob of Red Pudding. The creature rapidly expands to occupy an area of 200 square feet at least 1 foot deep by the end of the round. The squares that the blob occupies are mostly up to the caster’s discretion but no part of the blob may be disconnected from the main body and no area of blob may be less than 10 feet wide. The caster may choose for the blob’s expansion to completely fill a 5ft cube reducing the total area by 25ft2. Creatures caught in the blob’s area immediately take 2d8 acid damage, 2d8+10 crushing damage, and are grappled; creatures who succeed at a reflex save take half damage, and are entangled. Creatures caught completely in filled square(s) take full damage, are pinned, and cannot breathe; if there is an open square adjacent they may make a reflex save to halve the damage, move to the nearest open square, and become entangled. For purposes of escaping the blob’s grapple, its CMD is equal to the spell’s DC plus the +5 bonus for maintaining a grapple. On your turn the blob automatically attempts a combat manuever to grapple or maintain on every creature within its area.
Each round, on the casters turn, the blob expands 10ft in every direction from each square that it occupies. The caster may, instead, direct the blob to expand 40ft in one direction from all squares that it occupies, or expand 120 feet along 10ft wide paths in any manner the caster wishes. If directing the mode of expansion the caster may, instead, spend 25ft of expansion to completely fill a 5ft square and may even choose to expand upward if each adjacent square beneath is also completely filled. In narrative gameplay the blob automatically expands at 1mph in all directions, by 4mph in one direction, or by 12mph along a directed path. Sections of blob separated from the area containing the original ooze cannot expand until reconnected by a section at least 10 feet wide. Any creatures caught in the blob’s expansion, or which enter the blobs area, are immediately subject to the blob’s effects.
The blob does not move, aside from its expansion, and does not take any actions aside from making grapple checks on your turn. Due to its size, it is treated as a separate object in every square it occupies. Each square has 20 hit points and an AC of 0 but the blob takes no damage from slashing or piercing weapons. A completely filled square has 100 hit points. If a square of blob dies its ooze withdraws into adjacent occupied squares, if any, and that square is no longer considered occupied by the blob. The blob’s CMD, for purposes of resisting being moved from its square, is equal to the spell’s DC plus the typical +10 bonus for a pudding’s suction ability. The blob’s digestive acid dissolves organic material and metal quickly but does not affect stone. Each time a creature suffers damage from the blob’s acid, its clothing and armor take the same amount of damage from the acid. A successful reflex save prevents damage to the clothing and armor. A metal or wooden weapon that strikes the blob takes 2d8 acid damage unless the weapon’s wielder succeeds at a reflex save. An opponent being grappled by the blob takes a -4 penalty to reflex saves made to resist the acid damage applying to gear. Unattended organic or metal objects take 25 damage per round while in contact with the blob.
Requires: ability to take the form of an Ooze and cast the spell Caustic Blood.
Benefit: When dealing acid
damage with spells, natural attacks, or abilities, you add half your CON
modifier as bonus acid damage on initial damage from the spell or attack. If in
Ooze form, you may add this bonus acid damage whenever the spell or ability
deals damage.
Requires: Natural Spell Feat
Benefit: You may prepare a spell with a range of touch so
that, when held, the charge engulfs your entire body instead of being held
within your limb. When struck by an attack while holding a charge, the spell
automatically discharges targeting the attacker. The attacker may make a reflex
save against the spells DC to avoid this effect. Touch spells that allow
multiple charges can only be discharged in this way once per round, though you
may still discharge the spells with touch attacks made on your turn as normal. Preparing
a spell in this way occupies a spell slot of 1 level higher.