Goblin, Fantasy, and RPG Blog

This is a character, like many, which I’ve had in mind for a long time. Originally designed to just be a Gnoll who likes charging through obstacles, he has been revised to fulfill more aspects of beefyboi fantasy for me. I actually got to play him once for a 1shot and it felt great grappling and snapping necks (snappling) and I even got to puppeteer one of my victims with a grapple check instead of a bluff check… the npc didn’t buy but it was a solid laugh. I present to you: Gallow, the BugBear Crasher.


Gallow is a rude, crude, beefy dude who don’t take no lip but dishes it; no filter. He specializes in hand-to-hand combat blending skillfull martial techniques with brute power. He seeks adventure for thrill and bloodlust.

This part is really long so collapse if you want to skip it.


In Gallow’s day a ruthless Hobgoblin warlord raised an army and forged a small empire with ambitions to flood the realms with greenkind. The shrewd warlord was constantly searching for means to empower his military through magic, mighty beasts, superior equipment, and exotic training. Being a bugbear; prized for their raw strength and thick hide, Gallow was captured in his youth and raised in captivity to be trained to fight. The warlord, however, wished to test whether a bugbear’s natural toughness would make them suitable practitioners of Hobgoblin Ironskin martial arts so Gallow, alone, was sent to a monastery to be groomed in esoteric combat styles, stealth, and disciplines of the self.


Gallow was perpetually problematic as an ironskin acolyte- the rigid structure of daily tasks, lectures, and practicing forms was fundamentally contrary to his nature. Bugbears are known to torture food animals, tear down brush and trees for fun, and attack unprovoked; confinement to this place and this way of life was a denial of his every chaotic instinct. When he smashed the straw training dummy, he was punished. When he broke his sparring partner’s arm, he was punished. When he asked why, he was punished severely. His masters hated him and forced him to make a vow of silence carrying the penalty of death for even speaking thus taking away any means to challenge or even understand the ways of the Ironskin. He oafishly practiced their drills and combat forms, belligerently twisted their techniques to his own brutish liking, took his lashings and obeyed after; loathing their teachings in every quiet way. For 2 years he trained, silently raging, and speaking only in his mind against the seemingly pointless monastic rituals and legalism until it came time for his Trial of Steel. This rite would complete his training and initiate him as an Ironskin Monk by pitting him against his masters in a game of stamina and evasion but the Masters were ruthless. They were not testing him, like they were the hobgoblin acolytes, they were inflicting their final punishment. They struck him with their paralysis technique and, while helpless, placed a garrote around his neck. They jerked it back and forth, sawing and cutting through his flesh and vocal chords until, with a sudden release, Gallow fell to the ground. Angry and resentful, but terrified, he looked at his masters hoping that this was some sort of lesson meant to humble and dominate that would soon be undone but the masters didn’t even look back. Gallow lay there bleeding, feeling the cold creeping through his body, and within moments lost consciousness only to awake under the care of a human cleric. He grasped his neck to feel the wound but found only a scar.


The cleric and his party had destroyed the monastery opportunistically attacking while the masters were distracted with the Trial of Steel. They interrogated Gallow about the monastery, the masters, the warlord and his plans expecting the betrayed bugbear to know something special but he had no answers for them. In fact, he could barely speak at all; between the years of atrophy and the master’s garrote he could only muster low and raspy groans. They argued over what to do but eventually released him to appease the cleric who did not wish to see one he healed be promptly dead again. As Gallow fled the monastery he saw no survivors, nor did he find the bodies of any of the masters. Rubbing the scar across his throat as he ventured out; it served both as a reminder of the time he spent in miserable silence, and as a calling to never again hold his tongue. The world will hear what’s on Gallow’s mind! Even if only through mutterings and whispers…



Wandering aimlessly, foraging, stealing, and working as a mercenary he found little satisfaction and zero welcome in this new phase of his life. His voice improved some with time, though far from fully restored, and he exercised it zealously. He said what he wanted, and did as he pleased almost universally inflaming and often displacing those around him- most already uncomfortable if not downright terrified at the presence of a bugbear. Without regret, yet also without ambition, he continued in this way until he took a job for some other goblinoids- a cult of some kind marked by their earrings. He didn’t care too much for their far-fetched goals but they paid well and, for once, he wasn’t hated, rather, he was encouraged and told there was a place for him even if he didn’t believe in it. He doesn’t consider himself a part of their madness, but he’s better off working for them than some pinkskins who would just as soon turn on him. Currently between jobs, he’s always on the lookout for a good gig but theres a standing request from the cultists to pass on information about powerful spellcasters or ancient demonic artifacts; as if a simple merc would ever deal with any of that. His own personal interest, though he has done little to nothing to explore it, is wondering what became of his masters and, perhaps, entertaining a little hunger for revenge. Still, if the pay is good and there are necks to be snapped, Gallow is in for just about any game.


Feats, Choices, and Features

1-      Brawler’s Cunning, Martial Flex, Martial Training, Strangle +1d6, Unarmed Combatant

2-      Powerful Maneuvers, Practiced Strangler (no dex penalties), Strangle +2d6

3-      Maneuver Training 1, Spiked Destroyer

4-      Sleeper Hold

5-      Wpn Focus: Close, Brawler’s Strike (magic), Close Weapon Mastery, Dodge(+Mobility)

6-      Martial Flex (2, swift)

7-      Man Train 2, Greater Grapple

8-      Solo Maneuvers, Strangle +3d6

9-      Practiced Strangler (threaten area), Brawler’s Strike (cold iron + silver), Extra Martial Flex

10-   Martial Flex (3, free)

11-   Wpn Spec: Close, Man Train 3, Combat Reflexes

12-   Brawler’s Strike (aligned), Martial Flex (immediate)

13-   Greater Wpn Focus: Close

14-   Greater Wpn Spec: Close

15-   Strangle +4d6, Man Train 4, Extra Martial Flex


16-   NeckBreaker


Combos and Strats


Gallow is uncomfortably abrasive, confrontational, and has a personal edict to never filter himself though, if stealth is called for or pay is on the line, he may delay his remarks. He despises tradition, laws, and etiquette making an effort to violate each in some way wherever he finds them; he won’t wish you happy birthday, walks at least a few feet past every no trespassing sign, and doesn’t shake hands unless he just took a piss. He doesn’t have be an asshole at all times, however, and his no-filter edict applies equally to things that he enjoys which are mostly vices like eating, drinking, smoking cigars and eating the charred nub, narcotics, and watching fights. If the food and grog is good he’ll hoarsely cry it in the streets literally throwing new customers in the door. If the buzz is strong he’ll let out an “MMMmmm yeeaaaaaaa….” and probably forgive any transgression until he’s sober. If a combatant lands a critical hit, friend or foe, he’ll celebrate with a rasping “Did you see what he just did?! WHAT A HIT!”



When speaking in character, be sure to feign difficulty. Your voice should be low, raspy, and close to a whisper in tone even when excited trying to achieve volume. Whenever someone makes the character mad, be sure to rub your neck as if feeling over that scar. Every poor experience he has he somehow associates with the monastery and all its trauma. If ever he is ignored or dismissed in conversation, he becomes irrationally upset and possibly violent- “HEY! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!?” As his character develops he should have to choose between pursuing personal closure over his bondage at the monastery or pursuing freedom from an unwelcoming world alongside the cultists.